Chief Executive Officer: Mr Turlough Guerin

Chief Executive Officer: Mr Turlough Guerin

Mr Turlough Guerin joins Landcare New South Wales as Chief Executive Officer.

Experience and Insight

Landcare NSW is the representative body (peak body) of the Landcare movement in NSW and the voice of community Landcare. Turlough commenced as new CEO of Landcare NSW in December 2021. Turlough has held senior sustainability and stakeholder interface roles in technology, energy, and resources companies. Prior to joining Landcare NSW, Turlough was employed as Program Leader, Low Emissions Building Materials within Climate Change and Sustainability in the NSW Department of Planning Industry and Environment.

Background and Leadership

Turlough has also held Board roles in for-purpose and community organisations including with the Ag Institute of Australia, community radio, as well as community energy generation. He has a PhD in Agriculture from the University of Sydney, is a Graduate Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, and an Associate Fellow of the Australian Institute of Management.