Head of School of Humanities, Languages and Social Sciences: Professor Michael Ondaatje

Head of School of Humanities, Languages and Social Sciences: Professor Michael Ondaatje

Professor Michael Ondaatje has been appointed Head of School of Humanities, Languages and Social Sciences at Griffith University.

Academic and Professional Leadership

Professor Michael Ondaatje joins Griffith University as the new Head of School of Humanities, Languages and Social Sciences. Michael is currently Deputy Director of the Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences at ACU in Melbourne. His research is focused on American political and intellectual history, with a particular interest in the history of black conservatism in the United States.

Background and Research

Awarded his PhD, with Distinction, by the University of Western Australia in 2008, Michael is an award-winning researcher and teacher and a regular commentator on US history and politics in the Australian and international media. He has also been a Senior Visiting Research Fellow at the University of Oxford.