Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Indigenous): Professor Jonathan Bullen

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Indigenous): Professor Jonathan Bullen

Professor Jonathan Bullen joins Griffith University from Curtin University where he is Associate Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic, Indigenous Advancement

Academic and Professional Leadership

Professor Jonathan Bullen is a Nyoongar (Wardandi) man from the south-west of Western Australia and grew up in Queensland. He joins Griffith University from Curtin University where he is Associate Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic, Indigenous Advancement within Curtin's Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic. He has been a member of the Indigenous Leadership Group (Curtin’s peak Indigenous strategic leadership and governance body) since its inception in 2015, and Chair since 2020.

Background and Research

With a PhD from Curtin University, his research focuses on both the development of non-Indigenous health professionals' capabilities to effectively work with Indigenous Australians in health contexts, and associations between the physiological and psychological health of Indigenous Australians.