Head of School, Agriculture and Food: Professor Giovanni Turchini

Head of School, Agriculture and Food: Professor Giovanni Turchini

Professor Giovanni Turchini has been appointed as the Head of School, Agriculture and Food at the University of Melbourne.

Academic and Professional Leadership

Professor Turchini joins the University of Melbourne from Deakin University where he is Professor of Nutrition and Food Science and Associate Dean of Research in the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Built Environment.

Background and Research

As a biochemist nutritionist, with key focus on food quality and sustainability, Giovanni’s research interests span from fish to human nutrition, aquaculture, fatty acid metabolism, fishmeal and fish oil replacement and ethical issues encountered in the fisheries and aquaculture sectors. From 2014 to 2017, Giovanni led the Marine, Freshwater and Aquaculture Sciences research group. Originally from Italy with a PhD from the University of Milan, Giovanni has been awarded two ARC Discovery fellowships, has developed a series of significant industry collaborations and previously also held the position of Associate Head of School.