Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic): Professor Dominique Parrish

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic): Professor Dominique Parrish

Professor Dominique Parrish has been appointed to the role of Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) at Torrens University.

Academic and Professional Leadership

Professor Dominique Parrish has been appointed to the position of Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) at Torrens University, Australia’s fastest growing University.  Her most recent role was Pro Vice-Chancellor (Learning & Teaching) at Macquarie University where she had broad responsibilities, including development of a university-wide teaching and learning strategy, work integrated learning and employability initiatives, micro credentialling, academic literacy, learning innovation and learning technologies.

Background and Research

Dominique has thirty-five years of experience in the education field, across a range of organisations, and over ten years of experience working as a senior member of university leadership teams. With a PhD in Education from the University of Wollongong, Dominique has also held the positions of President of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE), and Senior Editor of the Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice (JUTLP).